About Us

The National Congress of Ghanaian Unions, UK (NCGU) is the main Umbrella body in the UK that was set up with an aim to bring together all the Regional Unions to foster a more cohesive platform for community engagement and joint action underpinned by our values of accountability. We are a non political, non religious vital bridge between local groups and national government, taking the lead on issues that matter most in terms of local support and development. We provide our members with networking opportunities, specialist advice, support, policy information and training. We influence national and local government policy to strengthen local voluntary and community action.

Our Mission

Our purpose is to coordinate and facilitate joint action for the benefit of the Ghanaian Community in the United Kingdom in spirit of One Nation and One Voice.

Aims & Objectives

We aim to assist the Ghanaian Community in the UK more effectively by not only recognising existing need but also identifying new ones that we hope would result in promoting a better quality of life.
To do this, we identified three main objectives that will underpin our operations and that we believe are the main areas of focus.


Ghanaians living in the UK are faced with overcoming numerous social challenges such as Poverty, Lack of employment opportunities, lack of quality education, lack of affordable housing, lack of affordable childcare, lack of access to training, immigration, family breakdown, The fear of gangs recruiting Ghanaian youth, Ghanaian youth disengaging with their cultural heritage and many more.


We tap into available community and human capital resources to assist our members in seeking out opportunities in business and employment services to elevate the economic life of Ghanaians in the UK.

Collaboration & Lobbying

We identify issues of importance that could potentially affect the UK Ghanaian Population negatively. Identified collaborators will lead in lobbying the appropriate agencies that are either responsible or that have the power to effect change to bring about a positive outcome.


The NCGU’s objects are specifically restricted to the following and 
For the public benefit to:

Create an awareness and interests on issues that affect local communities in order to improve relationships with different ethnic groups to strengthen social cohesion in their communities.

Act as a resource to develop and increase the capacity and skills of leaders of disadvantaged groups and members of the community in such a way that they become more effective and efficient in the delivery of sustainable services to help meet the needs of their community and local people.

Develop and build a network of community groups to lobby and campaign on issues affecting community interests and to respond to government and local authorities’ consultations so as to give the groups a common and unified voice and help them tackle problems together and offer solutions for their communities.

Assist Communities to provide advice and assistance to persons who, through lack of means, would otherwise be unable to obtain such advice to help the relief of financial hardship.

Advance education and training, arts, culture, heritage, sports, and social and economic wellbeing of its members and the community

Promote and encourage good practice amongst members and to provide information tailored to the specific needs of our target groups and also to other community groups

How We Work

NCGU Inauguration Oct2015 (18)

The NCGU is a voluntary organisation committed to serving the Ghanaian community in the UK. Regional Unions have been working hard to ensure that we are able to relate to and keep the community togetherness. We work closely with other Voluntary organisations and external agencies quasi, non-governmental organisations for our mutual benefit.

This section presents an overview of what we have to offer members of the National Congress of Ghanaian Unions. The Organisation’s existence and operation is guided by its Constitution and policies, which is available to download for your information.

Executive Committee

Management Committee (Trustees)

Who do we support?

We are here to support Ghanaian regional umbrella groups to provide a unified
and common voice at national level in dealing with statutory bodies in the UK,
and the Ghana High Commission on issues affecting the Ghanaian community in
the UK. We also provide capacity building support to build the leadership skills of
community leaders and their key staff/ volunteers to manage their organisations
in a more effective and efficient manner.

Awesome Service Provider Name

NCGU - Better Together